Top Phobias People Have

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Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder that causes you to be afraid of something. The most common phobias include fear of public speaking, thunder and lightning, falling, agoraphobia, social phobia, and acrophobia. There are many types of phobias, but they all have some things in common: they’re irrational fears that cause extreme distress and interfere with daily life. Phobias can be treated if they’re not causing problems for yourself or others around you!

Fear of public speaking

  • Fear of public speaking
  • Stage fright
  • Fear of being judged by others
  • Embarrassment and humiliation are two key reasons why people fear public speaking. This can be especially true for those who have never been on a stage before or have never had to speak in front of an audience, but even more so for someone who has already been given this opportunity many times and failed every single time. They may not realize it yet, but as long as they kept getting paraded out there and told, “do your best,” they will never learn how hard it is not only to perform well but also to do so without feeling like an idiot in front of everyone else!

Fear of thunder and lightning

Phobias are common, and they can be treated. The first step to overcoming your phobia is to find out why you’re afraid of the thing that scares you. This can help provide insight into what triggers your anxiety or panic attacks so that when those feelings come up again in the future, you’ll know how best to confront them without suffering anymore.

Once this understanding has been achieved through therapy or medication (or both), it’s time for treatment! There are many different types of therapies available for people who suffer from phobias—from CBT-based treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) down through more traditional techniques like Hypnotherapy on their way back up again through Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Phobia of falling

People who have a phobia of falling are often afraid of being in an open space. In this case, they will avoid going out on any kind of high structure like a building or scaffolding. The fear may also include heights and falling onto something sharp like glass or rocks.

Phobias are common among adults as well as children, but they’re most prevalent among adults who grew up during the Great Depression era when there were no safety nets at construction sites or amusement parks (or even inside your own home).


Agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces, public places, and being alone. It’s not uncommon to have a phobia that involves anxiety about the outside world—but agoraphobia can be far more intense than most other phobias. It affects one in four people at some point in their life, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA).

The symptoms of agoraphobia include having panic attacks when you think or act on your fears about leaving home or going outside for too long; feeling anxious when around crowds or large groups of people; avoiding busy areas because they make you feel trapped inside yourself; avoiding crossing bridges over water because they remind you how helplessly lost in space you are; fearing being trapped alone in an elevator or other confined space like underground parking lots so much that it interferes with daily life activities like going grocery shopping at night time after work instead choosing another option where fewer crowds gather together before leaving home again tomorrow morning after losing track all those hours over nothing but fear itself.”

Social phobia

Social phobia is a common phobia, with about 7 percent of the population experiencing it. It’s characterized by an intense fear of being judged or embarrassed in social situations. 

For example, you might be afraid that if you say something wrong at work and your coworkers notice, they’ll think poorly of you. Social anxiety can also cause people to avoid group activities altogether—and if they do participate in them, they may feel as though their behavior is being observed by everyone around them (which makes them even more self-conscious).


Acrophobia is the fear of heights and can be triggered by a specific situation, such as being on a high building or cliff. It’s also common for people with acrophobia to experience anxiety when they think about falling from any object that would be taller than them.

It’s important to note that there are many other types of phobias out there—for example, claustrophobia (being trapped) and encopresis (diarrhea). If you’re looking into treatment options for your condition, make sure you know what type(s) yours might be!

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that causes intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors.

Obsessions are unwanted, disturbing thoughts or impulses that cause distress. These unwanted thoughts can range from the slightest thought of contamination to more serious concerns about harm coming to oneself or others.

Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that people with OCD engage in because they feel compelled to do so. The most common compulsions include: checking doors and windows; washing hands; repeated hand washing; counting items; hoarding things like pens, paper clips, or plastic bags; repeatedly cleaning at home or work (including under the seats of trains); ordering food/drinking water before consuming it.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after a traumatic event. The symptoms of PTSD include recurring flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive thoughts about the event that caused the trauma.

PTSD can be treated with medication and therapy. It’s important to understand that even if you experience a traumatic event, it doesn’t mean that you’ll develop PTSD or any other anxiety disorder in the future—it’s just one possible outcome of experiencing such an event.

Phobias are common but can be treated

Phobias can be treated. If you have a phobia, it is important to seek help from a professional who specializes in the treatment of phobias. The most effective way for someone to overcome their fear is through therapy and medication.

Many types of therapy can help treat your specific type of phobia: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Exposure Response Prevention (ERP), Hypnotherapy/Hypnoanalysis/Meditative Imagery, etc.


If you have a phobia, it can be a big source of stress and anxiety. But remember that these things are common and have many causes. And if you’re suffering from one of these fears, there are professionals out there who can help you overcome it!

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